A film set in the early 1930s. In a provincial seaside town, Kochyli (=Shell), the eight-year-old Petros and the seven-year-old Anthoula discover the world around them: nature, animals, birds, as well...
Rena and her friend Betty (Rena Vlachopoulou and Betty Valasi) are fanatic roulette players at the casino on Parnitha. Rena's husband (Dimitris Kallivokas) attempts to stop her have no effect. When he...
Paraskevas (Lampros Konstantaras), trying to avoid boredom, pretends to be a lieutenant who had gone missing during the war. He lies and bluffs until his friends introduce him to a girl (Xenia Kaloger...
Mary, a young woman from a poor family, is engaged to Petros, a young laborer. However, she is influenced by Litsa, a well-off colleague of hers, and has an affair with Nikos, a rich young man. When h...
A craftsman (Giannis Voglis) specialized in making strong-boxes, is lured by a gang of criminals and takes part in a break-in. The gang’s leader (Dimitris Bislanis) runs away with the loot, while th...
A player for a second-division soccer team, whose idol is Yves Triantafyllou, manages, thanks to his persistence and high level of performance, to be instrumental in knocking out of the Greek Cup one ...
Magdalo, a naïve village girl singing folk songs, travels by train to Athens, where she meets Fonta Georgiou, a double bass player who often gives recitals of classical music. Their radically differe...
A young actress, who has been selected to star in a play written by Pallas (Michalis Nikolinakos), stays in the home of Pavlou, an actress who became paralyzed just before appearing in Palla’s play ...