To større historier, én alvorlig og melodramatisk og én noget lettere, samt flere mindre sidehistorier, væves sammen og giver, fra forskellige vinkler, et billede af tilværelsens kringlede forhol...
En ung ejendomsmægler, der er afhængig af kokain, må efter nogle ulovlige transaktioner gøre sig usynlig, og tilfældigt hører han om en klinik for stofmisbrugere, der lover fuld diskretion. Han ...
Et advokatfirma vil gøre alt for at imponere en klient og hyrer en konsulent, der kan udforme en flot powerpointpræsentation.
Skildring af de sidste 10 år af Vincent van Goghs liv, med speciel vægt på forholdet mellem Vincent og hans bror Theo, der støttede Vincent så godt han kunne og nærmest viede sit liv til fremme ...
Historien er inspireret af virkeligheden og tager sin begyndelse da Melvin en nat samler en forkommen ældre mand op, der hævder at være mangemillionæren Howard Hughes. Derefter fortælles der om M...
Sangay Rinchen, Irja von Bernstorff in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
"And-Ek Ghes..." (2015/16)
Filmplakat von "And-Ek Ghes..." (2015/16)
Szene aus "Lost and found"
Szene aus "Losers and Winners"
"And-Ek Ghes..." (2015/16)
Joseph Vogl in "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
Szene aus "Here and There"
Made for screening at the 1925 World Educational Congress Edinburgh, the film gives a survey of the educational opportunities offered in Edinburgh from infants up to senior pupils.
One of a series of 20 films made for Babcock and Wilcox (Steam) Ltd. between 1954 and 1961. The film includes shots of Babcock and Wilcox boilers being installed in the Kodak factory, Essex. [See al...
This film is a confession.
Danish documentary director Sebastian Cordes, who has always been a fan of Duckburg stories, set out to make a documentary about comic book artist Don Rosa. Don Rosa is one of the most distinguished, ...
Cyclical year in the life of the Taggart family as they take up residence at Marywell Farm. Their first experiences of country life.
Life on Marywell Farm during the first years of the Taggart family's occupancy.
Mr. Anestis, an old coachman, doesn’t want to change professions, even though cars now rule the road. He lives together with an orphan girl, Annoula, who was the beloved of a boy named Nikos, who ha...