Monuments, public buildings, industry, agriculture and commerce, harbours and beaches of the region. Includes a group of men practicing ‘belluboard’ in a beach in Leça da Palmeira.
Cinematographic report on the study visit of 2 months to Angola by a group of teachers and students from the three Portuguese universities.
Images from the submarine 'Espadarte' and some of the crew members.
Portuguese Youth parade in the celebrations of the 1st December (Independence Restoration Day).
Incomplet. The visit of the british carrier to Lisbon.
The film shows the façade of the Palace Hotel of Vidago and includes images of the guests at the main staircase, the Thermal Waters facilities, the Hotel's restaurant, and a panoramic shot over Vidag...
Unedited footage. At the Chrystal Palace, in Oporto, an automobiles exhibition. Panoramic view of the city. The car stands.
Film frame
Film frame
Film frame
Film frame of the film 'Panoramas do Porto' ('Panoramas of Oporto', c. 1900).
Lobby card.
Film frame
Film frame
Film frame
Commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of the periodical.
Notes on the difficulty experienced by the production company in registering images of the roaylist uprising in the North
Directory of films commissioned by the Tourism Office to Pathé aiming the diffusion of Portugal’s regions
News on the ordering of the films on the Portuguese regions to be exhibited in Lisbon.
A praise to the film ‘A Cidade de Thomar’ upon its reprise. Commentary on the film’s reception.
Notes on a Gaumont’s delegation visit to Portugal to film monuments, landscapes and typical places
On the staging and filming of a party on the allied armies in the WWI.
Interview with a General Inspectorate of Theatre official who traces a sorry state of affairs of Portuguese film.