The film consists of unedited, unrelated scenes of Mark I and Mark IV tanks, at the Tank Corps training school at Bovington, on the Western Front, and in Palestine. It opens with unarmed Mark IV tanks...
A British column of mules and wagons moves down a hill road. British soldiers and Greek civilians unloading and stacking stores. French 105mm howitzers, limbered up, moving along a dirt road. British ...
The progress of the war is represented by animated maps. A hand reaches out from Germany into Belgium and grabs Liège at the start of the war. A young soldier, in an acted scene, says goodbye to his ...
Pan over the countryside with shelling in the far distance and British troops moving up in the middle ground, probably 1st Division front north of Saint Quentin. A village being bombarded by shells, c...
Soldiers simulate a night attack, blindfolding themselves before charging out of a trench down a course. Other soldiers build barbed wire entanglements while wearing gasmasks. Two soldiers in a foxhol...
The film shows the monitor, HMS Erebus, on patrol, with two torpedo boats and two minesweepers at work in the Channel.The item shows British troops digging a trench as part of the war effort, followed...
This is the first film devoted to the New Zealand Division. It was taken on 8-15 March 1917. It opens with Major-General Sir Andrew Russell, the divisional commander, with Sir Walter Long, Secretary o...
(Reel 1) Exercises and physical training on a parade ground. The trainees strip and re-assemble a Vickers machine gun. This is followed by a demonstration of a machine which fills cartridge belts auto...
Saksa kaitseliini rühmaülema blindaaž.
Saksa kaitseliini häirekell, tehtud vene 12-tollise mürsu kestast.
Saksa kaitseliini välitermostest tehtud kell.
Vene kaitseliini ohvitseride blindaaž Odinis.
Vene kaitseliini ohvitseride blindaaž Odinis.
Vane kaitseliini vaatluspost ja kaevik Odini külas.
Vene kaitseliini vaatluspost Odini külas, esiplaanil üksik haud.
Vene kaitseliini vaatluspost Odini külas.