Muu nimi/muut nimet: A Path
Lajityyppi: Short film
Vuosi: 1967
Kesto: 00:06:53
Kuvaus: The people often go through the same path that is previously made although even by a drunkard. They do not pay attention on its length or its form. The people do not think about it if they can get the place that they want by a shorter and straighter way. The people in the film are pushing and can hardly pass by each other but they are persistently going through the path that a drunkard has made in the snow the previous night.
Avainsanat: drunk man; snow; parody / пијаница; снег
Sisältölähde: Kinoteka na Makedonija
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Vardar film - Skopje
Tuotantoyhtiö: Vardar film - Skopje
Väri: Black & White
Ohjaaja: Georgievski, Ljubisha
Sound: With sound
Language: mk