As a partner of the Europeana Data Space For Cultural Heritage, DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum is seeking a subcontractor to carry out ingests of metadata from 12 European film archives into the database behind the online portal European Film Gateway. Existing mappings between XML files provided by the archives and the EFG database partly need to be adjusted. Deadline for proposals: 24 February 2023.
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Developed in the framework of the international research project "ViCTOR-E: Visual Culture of Trauma, Obliteration and Reconstruction in Post-WW II Europe", the online exhibition Frames of Reconstruction. Realities and Visions of Recovering Europe. Documentary Film in Postwar Visual Culture tells a visual history of the European postwar era and reconstruction efforts that were unfolding across the continent from 1944 until 1956.
The 2019 Copyright Directive brought forward a solution to clear copyright on out of commerce works. To benefit from this solution, cultural heritage institutions need to publicise their intention to make datasets available online via the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) out of commerce works portal.
In the light of the war in the Ukraine, the Association of European Cinematheques continues to seek ways to support its colleagues from the Oleksandr Dvozhenko Centre in Kyiv.