This is an adaptation of the comedy by Aristophanes. In ancient Athens, the men are absorbed by the war with Sparta and neglect their wives and their homes. Fed up with this situation, the women decid...
The film is based on a novel by its director, entitled The Comedy of Mythomania. In the spring of 1999, during the intense NATO bombardment in Kosovo, a ship has been placed in quarantine in a certain...
A poor and ingenuous girl, Gianna, finishes high school and is full of hope for the future. However, in her attempt to protect her honor, she seriously injures her supervisor Dimitris Georgiou. At the...
Wandering around Athens by night. A grandiose parade of singers, composers, orchestras, shows and, in general, artists of night playing themselves, in a series of entertaining acts written by major hu...
The descent into the world of the night in the vastness of Athens of a young man who comes from the countryside and works as a delivery boy at a declining pizzeria.
Chronis Moros, a typical coffee house owner, is married to the snooty Theodora (or “Dora” as she wishes to be called), who feels sorry for herself for marrying someone inferior. Lefteris, his youn...
An old Greek-Cypriot fighter of EOKA (National Organization of Cypriot Fighters), Evagoras, who fought the British for the independence of the island and now lives in London, goes back to find his wif...
After 30 years service with the Water Company, an honourable public servant and family man by the name of Leonidas Chrysis (Giorgos Michalakopoulos) retires. As he usually does in autumn, he visits th...