The mundane reality of a couple (Spyros Papadopoulos and Alexandra Sakellaropoulou) who lead a tedious and bourgeois life (as well as their aspirations and dreams for the big life) are featured in thi...
Young Christos, recently released from the army, dreams of becoming a big name in folk singing. After a failed attempt at a singing career, he gets a job in the butcher shop of Mr. Michalis, husband o...
Five people: a French archaeologist, his Greek assistant, his daughter, a journalist who is his daughter’s friend and an old teacher who is a permanent resident of the area meet at an archaeological...
Despite the soccer World Cup fever during the summer of 1998, a group of young people insist on rehearsing for a theatrical performance. The process they are getting into will form the identity of the...
Soldier Giannis Papadopoulos is transferred from the Greek-Bulgarian border to Athens, to the Army’s Geographic Service – Film Division. In this privileged position, which is very close to his hom...