The film is a semi-documentary showing some of the activities of the Amsterdam Fire-Brigade, interwoven with the story of a boy who wants to become a fire-watcher. In 1914, young Dries Verbeek and his...
Melodrama about a stolen identity. The daughter of a man who has stolen the identity of the deceased Baron Van Walden marries to school teacher Ulbo Garvema, who turns out to be the son of the baron.
In "1914" we are introduced to three families, two in a big city, one in the country. The De Roquevilles are well-to-do people living an extravagant life. The other city dwellers are the family of Jea...
After the death of Gaston de Roqueville, Ninette marries the new manager of the Roqueville Steel-Works, Jean Ducrot. Mario Laurent, thanks to his important invention, has managed to regain a worthy po...
At Castle "De Werve", debt-ridden Colonel von Zwenken's daughter and her husband John Mordaunt await the birth of a child. Mordaunt's aunt has promised that if it is a son named after her late husband...
After the death of their father, a travelling showman, Iris Belmore and her little brother Billy are engaged to play in a circus owned by George Munro. Jim, a young man their father had adopted, comes...
Three sailors, known in the working-class quarter De Jordaan as Dries De Dolle (Crazy Dries), Manus De Schele (Cross-eyed Manus) and Toon De Blauwe (Blue Toon), return to Amsterdam. Dries will see his...
After years of touring abroad with his "Cirque Hollandais", Hendrik van Dalen returns to Holland, hoping that his brother Willem, a well-to-do farmer, will be able to help him with money. Since the de...