During his summer vacation on the island of Mytilene, a young and lonely employee, Kostas, becomes infatuated with a femme fatale, Anna, a thirty-five-year-old German woman who is married to a rich lo...
A university student and member of a group of bikers, Charis, lives with his widowed mother in an Athenian apartment. With a telescope he frantically watches an older woman, Stella, who lives with her...
A furrier in Kastoria, Ilias (Aris Retsos), goes to Paris to find a job in the business of a distant relative of his, Gerasimos (Christos Tsagkas). He shows Gerasimos the photograph of a singer and p...
A computer programmer (Alexandra Vantsi) is facing a period full of stress and crises in her professional career and in her private life with her husband (Antonis Theodorakopoulos). During a stroll th...
In 1897, a prostitute from Marseilles, Roza Vonaparte (Marina Vlanty) arrives in Chania, which was in the process of rising up against the Turks in order to reunite with Greece. She brings with her a ...