Den unge student Jacob Pors, der er ansat som huslærer for godsejer Jesper Nørholms småbørn, er hemmelig forlovet med godsejerens ældste datter, Agnete. Hver aften, når skoletimerne er sluttede,...
Documentary that dissects the judicial system with fictional scenes.
A history of the Belgian royal family.
A history of the Belgian royal family.
"Montage de morceaux d'actualités "Gaumont" concernant l'aviation du début des années '10"
"Above and Below" (2012-14)
Szene aus "Noise and Resistance"
Christobal Farais, Rifka Lodeizen in"Messi and Maud" (2017)
"Above and Below" (2012-14)
Thomas Riedelsheimer (in the middle), Andy Goldsworthy (on the right) on the set of "Rivers and Tides" (1998-2001)
Filmplakat für die Berliner Aufführungen von "Nürnberg und seine Lehre", welche druch die sowjetische Blockade bis Mai 1949 verzögert wurden
German movie poster of "Messi and Maud" (2017)
Irmin Schmidt in "Can and Me" (2022)
A history of the Belgian royal family.
A history of the Belgian royal family.
"Montage de morceaux d'actualités "Gaumont" concernant l'aviation du début des années '10"