During World War II, a lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Aris Galanos, arrives in Italian-occupied Rhodes on a secret mission. He takes the place of the Italian officer Giovanni Retsini and, as captain Gi...
During World War II, a lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Aris Galanos, arrives in Italian-occupied Rhodes on a secret mission. He takes the place of the Italian officer Giovanni Retsini and, as captain Gi...
The proud and rich shepherd Despo, who lives in a mountain village, has a sizeable dowry and is much in demand as a bride. She is besieged by a big-headed and ruthless chief shepherd, Giorgaras, but h...
The marriage of Anna and Christos deteriorates over time, going from bad to worse. The couple’s crisis is obvious, and Christos tries to obtain sole custody of their children. Their older daughter, ...
Stefanos Nomikos, who used to be a very successful model, now works as a gigolo in Athens. He is sought after by older women as well as by wealthy homosexuals. This allows him to pay the tuition fees...
The childhood traumas of a solitary young man have a determinative effect on the formation of his personality and sexual behavior and have turned him into a rapist with the angelic face. One day, the ...