Bernd möchte ein ruhiges Angel-Wochenende am See verbringen, gemeinsam mit seinem besten Freund Klaus und seinem Bruder Peter. Da freut es ihn nicht besonders, dass Klaus ausgerechnet Murat mitbringt...
Dokumentarfilm über die deutsche Filmlandschaft zwischen 1933 und 1945: Während der Nazizeit wurden in Deutschland rund 1000 Spielfilme hergestellt. Wenngleich es sich nur bei sehr wenigen davon um ...
Am 9. Oktober 2013 war Helge Schneider mit seinem Film "00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter" im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums zu Gast und stellte in der Frühvorstellung seine Filmauswahl der Carte ...
Dokudrama über den Krefelder Künstler Albert Oehlen, Jahrgang 1954, der zu den "Neuen Wilden" der deutschen Kunstszene gehört. Er ist Objekt- und Installationskünstler, vor allem aber einer der be...
International newsreel with ten different elements, among them a fashion show in Paris, followed by different shows and demonstrations of airship, planes, motorcycles, cars, tractors and other farm ma...
Images, from 1914, of the production of airplanes: A double-decker is taken outside and the motor is assembled on it. The plane can be transported entirely in parts, as a construction kit.
The film is constructed on a contemporary requirement tied to the wartime situation, seeing as Italy had gone to war with Austria in May 1915. At the end of the wedding ceremony the procession o...
Based on an English fairy tale in which poverty forces Jack to sell their cow, but in exchange gets beans instead of money. Eventually he uses the magic beans to wind up in the castle of the giant.
In preparion for war, German and French ships and hydroplanes are launched in Wilhelmshaven and Lorient. The war technology is depicted in an objective and proud manner, which today seems in stark con...
Spendid shots of the famous waterfalls filmed on the Canadian side and distributed at the time by the Belgian Cingraphique University, founded in 1926 and specialised in the distribution of documentar...
Melodrama, about a father and son sharing the love for the same charming girl. A dramatic night storm leads to jealousy and loss of honor.
The film has no plot or continuity. Almost all the first reel comes directly from IWM 236 A BOMBING TRIP OVER THE ENEMY LINES, showing Australian aircraft, and IWM 28 WITH THE AUSTRALIAN FORCES IN PAL...
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "Maharadscha wider Willen".
Daily production report No. 50, 31 May 1964 on the shooting of "Der Schut".
Letter from CCC to Abdal-Asita, 04 November 1959 regarding the loan of snakes for the shooting of "Herrin der Welt".
French screenplay (excerpt) of "Die Spaziergängerin von Sans Souci".
Internal correspondence on a new title of "Das verbotene Paradies".