Images of the Palácio de Cristal (“Crystal Palace”, in Oporto) – roses and other flowers exhibition.
The several processing steps of cod-fish after the arrival of a cod-fish lugger in Figueira da Foz’ bay: drying, salting, weighing and sale.
Military parade in Braga on the 10th anniversary of the 28th May Revolution.
The official celebrations of the 4th anniversary of the Portuguese Republic, including the visit of the French cruiser “Dupetit Thouars” and a military parade.
Repatriation of remains to Portugal, attended by Marshal Joffre, Allied Armies’ Officers and military detachments. Parade in Lisbon, arrival in Batalha, views of Leiria
Views of the exhibition ‘Via Vita’ on the activities of the Road Board, presented on the occasion of the 9th International Road Congress.
Images of the football match between Portugal and Spain in the Lumiar stadium, Lisbon.
News report of the commemorations. Foreign contingents. Parade in Lisbon. Marechal Joffre. Passagem por Leiria e chegada ao Mosteiro da Batalha. Arrival at Mosteiro da Batalha passing through Leiria. ...
Film frame
Film frame
Portrait of Henrique Alegria, manager of Invicta Film, in his office.
film frame
Film frame
film frame
Fac-simile of a draft law for the financing of Portuguese-theme productions.
Correspondence file of the prod. company, mainly to exhibitors.
A collection of press clippings with references to the film exhibition in Lisbon’s film theatres.
Short note on the educational potential of film in Portugal and on the activity of the Army’s cartographic section.
Film review.
Article on the characteristics of American film industry in what concerns the structures, e.g. Universal.
Report on the public screenings of the newsreels films.
Film review commenting on its subject matter (the South Atlantic aerial crossing) and its production.