The arrival of 10 war planes to Granja do Marquês’ airfield in Sintra.
Lisbon: Tagus river, Terreiro do Paço, Cais das Colunas, statue of Marquês de Pombal, Restoration memorial.
The arrival of the airfleet squadron who accomplished the raid Lisboa-Lourenço Marques-Lisboa.
Ceremony of the delivery of the ‘Douro’ destroyer presided by the Minister for Marine. Military parade in Avenida da Liberdade, Lisbon. Navy Arsenal.
The celebrations in Lourenço Marques (now Maputo) for the transfer of the territories administrated by the Niassa Company (of British and French interests) to the control of the Portuguese colonial g...
Coverage of the effects of the floods in Constância.
Celebrations of the Labour’s Day in 1937. Workers parade, floats alluding to the local industries.
News report of the nautic journey from Lisbon to Luanda. Scales in Madeira island and São Tomé. In Angola, views over the rural and urban landscapes, ancient fortresses, Kwanza river; a military par...
Film frame
Film frame
Film frame
Set photo.
Film frame
Review of a conference on the many practical applications of film in arts, industry, science, trade and war
News of the establishment of a production company in Oporto dedicated to depict monuments and sites.
Directory of documentary films illustrating the sites, landscapes, activities and monuments of Portuguese regions.
Notes on the films portraying Portugal’s participation in WWI.
Directory of non-fiction films produced by Gaumont in Portugal.
Notes on the censorship of all films depicting themes related with WWI.
Notes on the film 'A vida na Penitenciária de Lisboa' (‘Life in Lisbon’s Penitentiary’) and on its subject matter.