"En filmkavalkade baseret på arkivmateriale over røde kors tanken og organisationens humanitære hjælpearbejde fra 1. verdenskrig til i dag". Filmen trækker på en række andre Røde Kors film, hv...
De fleste ville betragte Zohan som en lykkelig mand. Han har succes hos pigerne. Han er beundret af mændene. Han er frygtet af terrorister alle vegne som den bedste israelske agent nogensinde. Men i ...
En nat om året, fra syv aften til syv morgen, er alle regler ophævet. Loven er sat ud af kraft, politiet holder sig væk, hospitalerne er lukkede. Men regnskaberne kan gøres op og uheldige elemente...
Grevinde de la Garde ligger på sit dødsleje. Da rejser hun sig - hendes blik er stift rettet mod det gamle chatol - hun vakler fra sengen henimod det. Men inden hun når sit mål, falder hun om og d...
En frygtelig forbryder hærger byen dobbelt frygteligt, fordi han intet sted efterlader noget spor, der kan give politiet nogetsomhelst vink med hensyn til, hvem han er, hvordan han ser ud, eller hvor...
Johannes Wolfgang og hans hustru Helene lever i stor fattigdom. Han er violinbygger af profession, men skønt han - hjulpet af sin gamle far - slider i det fra morgen til aften, vil forretningen ikke ...
Syge- og ulykkesforsikringsagent Schwindelmeyer er en meget smart herre, og hans hustru, Fru Adelaide, står ikke tilbage for ham i smartness. Da Schwindelmeyer hurtig er bleven klar over, at det er e...
Inspektør Groot for tugthuset modtager svar på en ansøgning, han har indsendt til Justitsministeriet. Han er en ivrig repræsentant for den moderne straffepleje og har ansøgt ministeriet om tillad...
Subtitled "The work of the Department of the Director General Voluntary Organisations including the Camps Library". Introductory shot of the Director General Sir Edward Ward seated in his office in Sc...
i. AMERICAN MISSION IN LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. DR PAGE WITH DELEGATES WHO WILL TELL U.S. OF OUR WAR WORK. U.S. Ambassador W.H. Page and his group embark from ship in Liverpool. They talk with women work...
Short reportage about seaplanes, stationed on an aircraft carrier. On the ship the seaplanes are repaired and getting ready. The seaplane is being lifted on board and takes off. Subsequently aerial sh...
Reportage about Austrian war ships and submarines. Images of life on board of the ship 'Tegetthof', navigation (with log and sextant), signals with flags, a torpedo boat flottilla at full speed and t...
A German officer addresses his men in a dugout. They emerge from the dugout and man their trench against an Australian attack. The Australians storm the trench and throw grenades down into the dugouts...
The film appears to be of the intervention in North Russia, but varies in quality from slightly out of focus to completely blurred.
Blurred and unviewable film of the British intervention in Nort...
French language version of a newsreel item on the town of Amiens after the German failure to capture it, showing a pan over the town and the outside of the cathedral, Western Front, 5th-7th April 1918...
Presentation of the activities of Winter Aid in Belgium. Winter Aid was the national-socialist organisation that took over all social assistance works, as they were exercised by government and church,...
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "Mademoiselle Ange".
List of film sets for the shooting of "Der Schatz der Azteken".
Daily production report No. 16, 15 May 1959 on the shooting of "La Paloma".
Daily call sheet No. 5 for January 27, 1947 for the shooting of "Herzkönig".
Daily production report No. 7, 07 April 1959 on the shooting of "Und das am Montagmorgen".
Letter from CCC to Landesregierung (Federal state government) Brandenburg, 07 October 1947 regarding "Morituri" (working title: Die Namenlosen).
Daily production report No. 27, 30 December 1957 on the shooting of "...und abends in die Scala".
Daily call sheet for 05 May 1956 for the shooting of "Liebe".