Wo ist Alex? Vergeblich sucht Alice von Reizenstein ihren Gatten, bis sie ihn schließlich sturzbetrunken unter seinem Schreibtisch entdeckt. Kurz darauf überbringt der Postbote den Eheleuten eine gu...
In der Reihe 'Lecture & Film: Ernst Lubitsch' hielt Filmrestauratorin Anke Wilkening am 17. November 2016 im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums, Frankfurt den Vortrag "Probleme der Überlieferung. Zur Res...
In der Reihe 'Lecture & Film: Ernst Lubitsch' hielt Prof. Dr. Martin Seel von der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am 1. Dezember 2016 im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums, Frankfurt den Vortrag "Das Böse ...
In der Reihe 'Lecture & Film: Ernst Lubitsch' hielt Dr. René Michaelsen am 9. Februar 2017 im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums, Frankfurt den Vortrag "Champagnerlaune mit Sicherheitsabstand – Lubitsc...
In der Reihe 'Lecture & Film: Ernst Lubitsch' hielt Valerie A. Weinstein, Ph.D. von der University of Cincinnati am 15. Dezember 2016 im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums, Frankfurt den Vortrag "Performi...
Where is Alex? In vain, Alice von Reizenstein searches for her husband until she finally discovers him dead drunk under his desk. Shortly after, the postman brings the couple good and bad news. The go...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: In a deal to save her lover Count Dubarry from financial ruin, the Parisian milliner Jeanne Vaubernier (alias Madame Dubarry) becomes...
Ernst Lubitsch, Helene Voß (on the right) in "Als ich tot war" (1915)
Ernst Lubitsch, Paul Davidson (from left to right) on the set of "Das Weib des Pharao" (1921)
Harry Liedtke (third on the left), Dagny Servaes (fourth on the left), Ernst Lubitsch (fifth on the left) on the set of "Das Weib des Pharao" (1921)
Ernst Lubitsch (back, in the middle), Paul Wegener (on the left), Lord Beaverbrook (front, in the middle), Lady Beaverbrook (second from the right), Harry Liedtke (on the right) on the set of "Das Wei...
Friedrich Kühne (on the left), Ernst Lubitsch (second on the left), Mr. Rothacker (third from the right), Paul Davidson (second from the right), Ernst Stern (on the right) on the set of "Das Weib des...
Paul Davidson, Theodor Sparkuhl, Ernst Lubitsch, Hanns Kräly (from left to right) on the set of "Das Weib des Pharao" (1921)
Theodor Sparkuhl, Friedrich Kühne, Paul Biensfeldt, Emil Jannings, Paul Davidson (first to fifth on the left), Ernst Lubitsch (second from the right), Dagny Servaes (on the right) on the set of "Das ...
Ernst Lubitsch