Panos Vidalis is hired as the financial manager of a company managed by his childhood friend Foivos, who is engaged to Viky, the daughter of their boss John Thomas. One day, Panos saves Viky from an a...
A rich young man (Thanasis Mylonas) faces his father’s refusal (Christos Tsaganeas) to countenance his love for one of their employees (Gkelly Mavropoulou). She is seduced by another man (Stefanos S...
Fani (Martha Vourtsi) is a poor young woman who works at the office of the rich entrepreneur Petras. Her mother Despo is suffering from a heart condition and has placed all her hope of Fani getting ma...
Antonis Tsilivikis (Thanasis Vengos) is a successful building contractor, but at home he is stingy, forgetful of his family and neglectful of his beautiful wife, Eleni (Niki Linardou). Antonis has man...
Pantelis Kazouras is a low-ranking sailor with artistic tendencies. He is in love with Fani, but has lied to her about his true identity – he has introduced himself as sub-lieutenant Dimitris Georgi...
Adapted from Nikos Foskolos’ theatrical play. On a terribly stormy night, in a secluded hotel, the owner, Brigadier Norton, is murdered. Prime suspects: his daughter Elena, his second wife Liza, Liz...
Mafioso Don Cornilio (Ntinos Iliopoulos) plans the perfect robbery, but his plans are foiled when dangerous crook Jack (Kostas Voutsas) returns to Greece from America and absconds away with the loot w...
Kotsos (Kostas Voutsas) is an honorable public servant. He is a director at the Ministry for International Contracts and Interventions. He is also married and has two kids. Of course, due to the natur...
The figure of the leading actress, Antzela Zilia, dominates the poster. Around this figure, three secondary scenes are depicted. On the upper right, within a round frame, an enamored couple looks at e...