A documentary film made on the occasion of the opening of the V. I. Lenin Museum in Prague with the participation of President Klement Gottwald and the government. Thanks to various reconstructions th...
An animated film that tells the story of the Marshall Plan's economic reconstruction aid in the form of a fable. Emphasis is placed on breaking down trade barriers and building a community market. © ...
Documentary film about the reconstruction of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. It presents the history of the Bethlehem Chapel from 1391 through the Josephine period, when the chapel turned into a wareh...
A documentary about youth brigades that are being offered for the reconstruction of Lidice. The film recalls the tragedy of Lidice and describes the work of international youth in the construction of ...
A plane lands in Berlin, passengers leave the plane and pass through customs, suitcases are unloaded. Ride by cab or bus into the city. Chancellor Adenauer on the bus to Berlin. Stream of refugees in ...
The city of Warsaw is in ruins. A ceremony commemorates it, in the presence of Boleslaw Bierut and of the French Ambassador.
This film presents at least two distinct settings: on the one hand, the film reports on the progress of a construction site near Caen. From the foundations of the buildings to the roofs, the different...
The black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch shows famous views of Dresden by the painter Bernardo Bellotto, known as Canaletto. He juxtaposes the historical images with current footage from 1962 and d...
A documentary film depicting the voyage of eight hundred European Jews to Palestine in 1940. Racial intolerance fueled by fascism and war is likened to a flood, a ship with Jews then to Noah's ark, a ...
Vacationers visit the Place de la Concorde in Paris and look at the Luxor obelisk and the Hôtel de Crillon. In the distance you can see the Eiffel Tower and children launch boats in a small body of w...
Tre kvinder har en ting tilfælles i deres tilværelse: De er alle dybt knyttet til adoption: Karen fik et barn som 14-årig, som blev bortadopteret straks ved fødslen og hun har siden følt et brudt...
Research in today's Messina of the motifs, colors and themes that Antonello painted in his very own way.
Car ride, woman collecting berries on the roadside, debris in Halle (Saale), streetcar, Leipzig tower, market church. Viaduct in Gräfenthal (Thuringia). Woman playing with goats.
Several people died from cold during the harsh winter of 1954. The appeal by Abbé Pierre to help the homeless causes a collective awakening to poverty in France and an unprecedented wave of generosit...
Documentario sullo sviluppo urbanistico e sociale di Roma nel secondo dopoguerra.
1 - rassegna di topografie che illustrano lo sviluppo urbanistico di Roma dal 1871 al 1943
2 - immagini dei ...
La dura giornata di lavoro dei muratori nel cantiere per la costruzione dello stadio Olimpico a Roma.
1 - l'uomo direziona la gru che trasporta la colata di calce, un carretto trainato da un cava...
The staged film represents the crew of the film newsreel, which has the task of finding suitable types of people, on the example of which it is possible to show negative social phenomena. They mainly ...
A general overview on the damages provoked by the WWII to the railway infrastructures and on the efforts to reconstruct them undertaken by the Italian state in collaboration with the allies.
Speakers pledge rehabilitation of displaced persons and refugees undergo training at Zettlitz farm.
0 Titles / 43 MV memorial and people passing by / 50 Refugees at Camp Feldafing / 70 Refugees i...
Winter 1945: emergency aid for victims and orphans provided by a charity organisation.
Montan film about the European Coal and Steel Community.
Displaced children in post-war Europe are eventually brought to Palestine. (Source: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive)
Not only in contrast to an untroubled childhood in America but even in co...
The black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch document the roof work on the Cathedral of St. Trinitatis or Catholic Court Church, carried out by master builder Hermann Ullrich at the beginning of the 19...