The black-and-white film "Putti" is a collaborative work of the so-called amateur film studio of the Kulturbund Dresden from 1952, in which Ernst Hirsch acted as cameraman and the later DEFA director ...
This series includes twelve films that report on economic successes and progress in various countries of Euopa. All but the film on France have been preserved. © 2002 Linda R. Christenson
"Ci siamo mai chiesti chi sono, da dove vengono, come vivono gli ombrellari?". La vita solitaria delle donne di Secinaro, il 'paese degli ombrellari'. La giornata di lavoro di un ombrellaio raccontat...
A "School for Officers" is established at the historic "Ecole Militaire" in Paris. Staff officers and senior officials from all 14 NATO countries are trained with the aim of forming an effective defen...
The documentary black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch shows Sorbian Easter riders on their procession from Bautzen to Radwor/Radibor in April 1954. The film also shows securing work on the roof of t...
A documentary film made on the occasion of the opening of the V. I. Lenin Museum in Prague with the participation of President Klement Gottwald and the government. Thanks to various reconstructions th...
An animated film that tells the story of the Marshall Plan's economic reconstruction aid in the form of a fable. Emphasis is placed on breaking down trade barriers and building a community market. © ...
The film was shot on the occasion of the 4th World Festival of Youth and Students 1953 in Bucharest. It tells the story of a high school graduate who is supposed to work in production in a socialist y...
Il documentario illustra la storia della città di Ancona soffermandosi a lungo sul nuovo sviluppo industriale e urbanistico in atto nella città
1 - titoli di testa scorrono su tende che si alza...
1 - immagini della città del Vaticano
2 - San Pietro
3 - soldati fanno la guardia a piazza San Pietro
4 - carta della città, vengono tracciati i punti dove sono cadute le quattro bomb...
Negli anni '50 per colmare le carenze di mano d'opera specializzata, lo Stato ha finanziato direttamente ed attraverso altre società, i corsi di addestramento professionale, soprattutto riferiti alle...
1 - panorama di montagna nei pressi di Briga, una centrale elettrica
2 - manifestazione di protesta degli italiani del Moncenisio
3 - un prete e un altro uomo indicano Briga da un'altura
Dykes and acqueduct's construction in the Flumendosa valley and the Mulargie, in Sardinia.
The presenter Jacqueline Joubert explains what television is and how it works.
Delegation of young Soviets visiting the Cité Radieuse and the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille.
Il documentario illustra le opere di ricostruzione nei diversi settori dell' assistenza alla popolazione, delle infrastrutture industriali, dell'istruzione e della sanità.
1 - Falò delle ultime...
Reconstruction activities in Heilbronn with focus on streets and squares (Part 1): Detailed footage from the years 1946-1953; in the early footage, mainly ruins and fallow land, then increasingly rede...
Destruction of the Eppendorf University Hospital during World War II and reconstruction in the post-war years.
In Limousin, the action of the farmers against the low prices of meat for sale. After footage of the work on the fields and farms in winter (collecting leaves for bedding, ploughing, cutting wood, mil...
Educational documentary for workers at the Fiat about the speed of work and how to optimase the rhythm of work.
The footage shows the loading of a cargo of mass produced FIAT 1900 berlinas on a Italcielo boat. From the Genoa seaport the cars are shipped and delivered abroad .
The film depicting the circumstances of the Slavic Agricultural Exhibition reflects on the possibilities of international cooperation in the field of agriculture and forestry.
The documentary color film footage by an unknown filmmaker shows social events and urban developments in Dresden in 1959. The hustle and bustle in the harbor of the Weißen Flotte (White Fleet) below ...
From 1943, Marseille is occupied by the Germans who destroy some neighborhoods and build fortifications. After the landings in June and August 1944, the Germans undermine the port and begin to destroy...