An impressionistic account of the attractions that Aberdeen and Deeside offer the summer visitor.
An introduction to Perthshire, highlighting its places of interest, countryside and leisure opportunities.
Filmplakat von "Long Hello and Short Goodbye" (1999)
Filmplakat von "Long Hello and Short Goodbye" (1999)
As producer, actor and filmmaker, Richard Massingham managed to combine his passion for film and medical science.
German movie poster of "Soweit das Auge reicht" (1979/80)
Siegfrieds Leichenzug (Entwurf). Tusche, Bleistift auf Zeichenkarton
German movie poster of "Das Herz des Piraten" (1987/88)
"Elefantenherz" (2002)
Trude Berliner
German movie poster of "Die Farbe der Sehnsucht" (2014-16)
German movie poster of "Vater - Otac" (2020)
Tre kvinder har en ting tilfælles i deres tilværelse: De er alle dybt knyttet til adoption: Karen fik et barn som 14-årig, som blev bortadopteret straks ved fødslen og hun har siden følt et brudt...