I syv programmer går TV 2 bag om syv danske drabssager med hvert sit motiv for at blive klogere på, hvad der får et menneske til at begå den værste forbrydelse af dem alle: At slå et andet menne...
Del 1: »Majsen". De måtte gå det sidste stykke ned til plantagen, hvor de måske et halvt år skal arbejde for godsejeren med majs og sukkerrør. Miguel ville godt have sagt i skolen, at han ikke k...
(1) Ein Marionettenfilm (deutsch synchron.) mit lustigen Parodien, sowohl
Zwei Abenteuerdramen (englisch). - (1) Mit
Gesellschaftsdrama (französisch) nach dem
(In dieser Rubrik erneuern wir die, in weiter zurückliegenden Jahrgängen erfolgte, Besprechung von Filmen, die gegenwärtig im Zweitmonopol verliehen werden). Liebesdrama (deutsch nachsynchronis...
Passionsfilm (stumm, Illustrationsmusik u. Geräusche)
Groteske (englisch) nach der
Église de Troyon (Département Meuse, Lorraine, Église Saint-Martin)
Romantic adventure film in which Betty, who dreams about pirates, and her father, a gullible professor, are tricked by a bunch of real pirates. They are rescued by a young man who has a crush on Betty...
Amateur home movie of a family at home - children playing in a garden, on the beach and at a play-park.
Komödie mit
Home movie of a family relaxing in a garden and on a visit to the beach.
Australian soldiers, probably of 5th Division, at the south end of the Saint Quentin tunnel at Bellicourt. A temporary bridge has been built just below the tunnel entrance. A view, from on top of the ...
(Reel 1) King George V and General Sir Herbert Plumer, commanding Second Army to which the two divisions were attached, are greeted by 30th (Old Hickory) Division commander, Major-General Edward M Lew...
Miners on the Land: miners with a disability in agriculture. Learning the Right Way: Scottish training centre, with Davy Lump, cartoon character drawn by RAFF. Jewel Coronation: children's gala in Sco...
Family holidays at Ayr; a "Convoy" of children on bikes and shots of a family as they demonstrate putting on their gas masks.