Dokumentarfilm. En skildring af grønlandske sæljægere
Om forholdet mellem en far og hans søn, idet den ældre mand ikke er kommet sig over tabet af konen to år forinden. Senere bliver faderen fyret, og hans misantropi forstærkes.
Prisonniers á Courcelle (Oise, Picardie)
Un canon de 37
Prise de Courcelles (Oise, Picardie) en 1918
Prise de Courcelles (Oise, Picardie) en 1918
Prise de Courcelles (Oise, Picardie) en 1918
Meuse - Bivouac d'attillerie 1915
Alerte aux gaz avec le klaxon
La chasse aux sous-marins
TV documentary about Chinese families living and working in Glasgow and Edinburgh, the problems they face in terms of housing, education, work and community relations, and the provisions in place to a...
The early history and development of Glasgow, changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution and proposed plans for remodelling the city. [Includes footage of East Kilbride and Cumbernauld].
An impressionistic account of the attractions that Aberdeen and Deeside offer the summer visitor.
Promotional film on behalf of Dunoon & Cowal Tourist Board in the mid-1970s, highlighting the attractions of the town and its catchment area.