When the now-wealthy Jack sees his former lover by chance on the silver screen, he immediately goes looking for her.
The sculptor Benno Schotz at work in his studio in Glasgow, and demonstrating his technique. The film examines his working methods and the themes running through his work. Much of his work is as a m...
A documentary, narrated and directed by Sean Connery, on the turbulent industrial relations of the workforce of Fairfield's shipyard on the Clyde during the mid 1960s.
TV documentary about Chinese families living and working in Glasgow and Edinburgh, the problems they face in terms of housing, education, work and community relations, and the provisions in place to a...
The early history and development of Glasgow, changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution and proposed plans for remodelling the city. [Includes footage of East Kilbride and Cumbernauld].
An impressionistic account of the attractions that Aberdeen and Deeside offer the summer visitor.
Promotional film on behalf of Dunoon & Cowal Tourist Board in the mid-1970s, highlighting the attractions of the town and its catchment area.
How Glasgow takes care of its old people through the provision of Old Folks' Homes, including Forest Hall, Crookston Home, and Woodburn Home.
Nicolai Johannsen, Rita Sacchetto
Still with Olaf Fönss
Gudrun Bruun, Olaf Fönss
Gudrun Bruun, Olaf Fönss
Olaf Fönss
A dance involving a bucket and a mane of hair.
Dominic Toretto har levet i skjul i Sydamerika i otte år, og benyttet sit talent for racerkørsel til at lave små kup. Nu tvinger et tragisk dødsfald ham tilbage til USA for at øve retfærdighed, ...
Fire betjente er døde i et skudopgør i New York, og det ligner et baghold. Hele politistyrken er i oprør og der er hævn i luften. Med en politimorder løs og hele styrkens rygte og stand på spil,...
Den opblæste og selvhøjtidelige sikkerhedsvagt Ronnie er en mand med en mission. At sørge for at ingen kriminelle elementer invaderer hans territorium, shopping-centret Forest Ridge Mall. Kompromis...
En high-school klasse i Los Angeles' fattige spansk-talende kvarter, som tilsyneladende er opgivet af alle, og som også selv har svært ved at se nogen fremtid, får en anderledes matematiklærer, de...
Med blitzen under 2. verdenskrig som ramme fortæller filmen historien om en almindelig engelsk familie i en ualmindelig tid, set gennem en drengs øjne.
En fortælling om et venskab mellem to usædvanlige pennevenner: Mary, en ensom, kraftig 8-årig pige som bor i en forstad til Melbourne og Max, en 44-årig jødisk mand med Aspergers syndrom fra New ...