A film set in the early 1930s. In a provincial seaside town, Kochyli (=Shell), the eight-year-old Petros and the seven-year-old Anthoula discover the world around them: nature, animals, birds, as well...
The coming of age of a young student (Alexandros Logothetis) through a series of incidents and erotic-emotional occurances. At the same time, his mother (Betty Livanou) becomes pregnant, without there...
The life of a man who has idolized the Charioteer of Delphi, during the 50 years from 1941 to 1991. A student during World War II, he is arrested by the Italians and sent to prison. From there he esca...
A young man (Alexandros Logothetis) travels to Romania to bring back women to work at his new bar. After many adventures, he manages to find three girls and brings them to Greece. The bar becomes extr...