Unedited footagem. The “transmission” (pre-TV) of a private football match between Italy and Portugal in 2 boards placed by the newspaper ‘Diário de Notícias’ in Lisbon
Views of the Sugar Plantation "Tentativa" in Angola.
Views of the Sanctuary of Fatima and of religious celebrations.
Film portraying the visit of several foreign writers to Nazaré (central region of Portugal) after an invitation of the Secretariat of National Propaganda. A gathering with fishermen.
Overviews of Setúbal.
The visit to Spain of the two portuguese aviators.
The President of the Republic pays tribute in Oporto to the precursors of the Republic in 1891. Carmona honors veterans of WWI; military parade in honor of the vanquished.
A huge crowd attends the funeral procession of António José de Almeida, former President of the Republic, from his residence to the Alto de São João Cemetery.
The exteriors of the studios of the Oporto-based film company, Invicta Film.
Film frame
Film frame of Arthur Costa de Macedo's 'Homenagens aos soldados desconhecidos' ('Tribute to Unknown Soldiers'), 1921.
film frame
Film frame
Film frame
Notes on the film 'Corrida de Touros em Vila Franca' by Alfred Durot (1922).
Review of two films documenting the south atlantic aerail crossing by Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral.
Review of the 2 documentary films and its audience success.
A grim description of the Spanish film industry in contrast with the performance of Brazilian’s.
News of the arrival of Gaston Ravel to Portugal to film the country’s landscapes.
Review of several newsreel films recently released.
Notes on the film 'A Beira'.
Commentary on the film and its subject matter (the tribute to Unknown Soldiers lost in World War I).