Der Schut ist ein grausamer Verbrecher, der mit seiner Bande im Balkan Angst und Schrecken verbreitet. Der Abenteurer Kara Ben Nemsi und sein treuer Freund Hadschi Halef Omar sind gerade unterwegs dur...
Rik Battaglia, Marie Versini
Dieter Borsche, Chris Howland (v.l.n.r.)
Day out of days for "Der Schut".
Italian dialogue list (excerpt) for "Der Schut".
Screenplay (excerpt) of "Der Schut", version from 17 March 1964.
Daily production report No. 12, 14 April 1964 on the shooting of "Der Schut".
Daily production report No. 44, 23 May 1964 on the shooting of "Der Schut".
Daily production report No. 39, 16 May 1964 on the shooting of "Der Schut".
Daily production report No. 50, 31 May 1964 on the shooting of "Der Schut".
Daily production report No. 33, 10 May 1964.