Maria Bonde is the object of affection of baron Fedja Bronikow from Sofia, Bulgaria. However, Maria is actually in love with her sister’s fiancé, Martin Steinert, who reciprocates her feelings. Her...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
"Liebe verboten - Heiraten erlaubt" was digitized by Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung as part of the film heritage funding program "Förderpro...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: When the Red Army occupies Crimea, Jeanne′s father, a French journalist, is killed. Jeanne herself flees to Paris with the help of ...
Der Dokumentarfilm spürt Leben und Werk des früh verstorbenen Musikers Tobias Gruben nach. Ende der 1980er Jahre gehört er zu den Gründern der Band Die Erde, die sich jedoch schon 1990 nach nicht ...
Die Jahrmarkts-Tänzerin Esmeralda liebt den Löwenbändiger Leonidas. Aber auch der unheimliche Zauberer Larifari verehrt sie, doch die kleine Tänzerin weist ihn zurück. Da sinnt er auf Rache und l...
"Vom Suchen und Finden der Liebe" (2005)
"Vom Suchen und Finden der Liebe" (2005)
"Liebe, die den Kopf verliert" (1956)
"Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken?" (2003)
"Hunger - Sehnsucht nach Liebe" (1997)
"Vom Suchen und Finden der Liebe" (2005)
"So weit geht die Liebe nicht" (1937)
"Vom Suchen und Finden der Liebe" (2005)
The production company "Bilton - Film AG in Berlin" applied for partial revocation of permission of the film "Rummelplatz der Liebe". The application was rejected.
The title changed from "Liebe am Bodensee" to "Die Bettelmusikanten" on 17th November 1937.There was not any kind of restriction noted.
GESETZE DER LIEBE was banned by the censorship headquarter in Berlin (Film-Oberprüfstelle Berlin).However the film was permitted to be shown only for closed screening (in scientifical and educationa...
The film "Gesetze der Liebe" was permitted to be shown only for closed screening (in scientifical and educational establishments) and to a certain circle of people (doctors and medical students). The ...
The production company "Continent-Film A.G., Berlin" applied against the ban of the film "Liebe und Wahnsinn" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was accepted. The film was permit...
The production company "Deulig-Film A.G., Berlin" applied against the ban of the film "Liebe als Erzieher" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was accepted. The film was permitted...
The censorship headquarter (Film-Oberprüfstelle) revocated the decision of the censorship office in Berlin (Film-Prüf- stelle). GESETZE DER LIEBE was permitted for adults (without an introduction by...