Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, life in Russia has become a struggle for survival. The looming state bankruptcy, the increase in crime and the lack of education and career opportunities have p...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: Based on elements of the Goethe classic, Faust tells the story of the scholar of the same name, who is led into temptation by Mephist...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: The courtiers at the royal court of Immendingen are in a bad mood. The annual court concert might get cancelled because Kammersänger...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: One of the few German films of the 1950s that deals critically with contemporary conditions. Young Anna Kaminski is living right at t...
"A love story, not only, it probably revolves around passion, but also around dear money." - (Lovers); "In 1950, 340 - 350,000 apartments were completed, in them can accommodate 1.5 million residents,...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:37): Adler (Nr. 1 musikalisch): A man at supper in a room asks, „Are you musical? Then why don't you sing along?“ He sings, with accordion accompaniment from off-camera, „Adler ch...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:38): Togal (Nr. 1 Kater): Animation: Black cat with a hump, plus a shrill noise. Live action: A man lies in bed and wakes up with a headache, a „hangover“ (ger. Kater = cat). Behind...
"Abgefahren - Mit Vollgas in die Liebe" (2004)
"Abgefahren - Mit Vollgas in die Liebe" (2004)
"Mädchen Mädchen 2 - Loft oder Liebe" (2004)
"Mädchen Mädchen 2 - Loft oder Liebe" (2004)
"So weit geht die Liebe nicht" (1937) (Dreharbeiten)
"Mädchen Mädchen 2 - Loft oder Liebe" (2004)
"Gloomy Sunday - Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod" (1999)
"Mädchen Mädchen 2 - Loft oder Liebe" (2004)
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 614, (1918). "Kinder der Liebe" als Tendenz- und Aufklärungsfilm bezeichnet, dessen Absicht überzeuge. "Der Gefangene von Dahomey" se...
Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 550, (1917), S. 15-17. Rezension aktueller Filme. Interessant ist, dass die russische Gesellschaft filmisch thematisiert wird. Karl Schneider,...