Prince Algabert, upholding the traditions of his forefathers, wages a ceaseless feud against the house of Rodembourg, whose reigning lord has one daughter, Elisabeth. One day, the Princess Elisabeth i...
Nachdem der junge Octave Zeuge der Untreue seiner großen Liebe Elise wird, nimmt sein Leben eine dramatische Wende. Seine Enttäuschung und Verbitterung schlägt in Hochmut um, und der einst so beson...
The story is set in the early part of the 20th Century. The protagonist, Hanne-Liebe, leaves her home town to escape from the anti-Semitic harassment of the local community. She sets out to live in St...
Der Dokumentarfilm "Rockabilly Ruhrpott" zeichnet ein Porträt der überaus lebendigen Rock′n′Roll-Szene, die sich fernab des musikalischen Mainstreams seit Jahrzehnten im grö&s...
Lola Randl on the set of "Die Erfindung der Liebe" in Cologne, July 13, 2012
Olli Dittrich at the photocall for "Die Relativitätstheorie der Liebe" on April 12, 2011 in Berlin
German movie poster
Alfred Vohrer, Judy Winter, Johannes Mario Simmel, Malte Thorsten (from left to right)on the set of "Liebe ist nur ein Wort" (DE 1971)
German movie poster of "Das ehrliche Interview - Die sexuellen Wünsche der Frau von heute" ("Das ehrliche Interview - Wie junge Mädchen Liebe machen", 1971)
(Der) Kinematograph, 07/xx
The film "Liebe als Erzieher" was was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin with age restriction (only for adults 18 years of age or older).
The production company "Kristall-Film G.m.b.H." applied against the ban of the film "Moral und Liebe". The application was rejected.
The film was permitted to young peole under 16 years.
Paimann´s Filmlisten,
There was not any kind of restriction.
The film was permitted to young people under 16 years.