The Bo'ness Children's Fair Queen Joan Campbell meets children in fancy dress and leaves accompanied by her entourage. [Bo'ness Children's Fair Festival was not held during the war years of 1915-1918...
The procession and coronation of the Queen Helen Gourlay during the Bo'ness Children's Fair Festival of 1953, held soon after the Coronation on the 3rd of June, 1953, there are a few reminders of rec...
Part 1. Because of the mobilization, a baron, a school teacher and a farmer are called up to do military service. They are billeted in the same house, where the ladies mistake the farmer for the baron...
News report about the memorial service, held in Bruges and Antwerp, following the repatriation of the remains of Charles Fryatt, an English captain accused, condemned and shot by the Germans for pirac...
I. 'THE PIGEON AS POSTMAN. Taken up on motor cycle to the trenches the birds except for casualties, never fail to reach "home" behind the lines where the telegraphist sends on the message.' Pigeons ar...
The formal ceremony takes place at the general's headquarters. He pins decorations on the standards of seven regiments, including that of 21st Battalion, Chasseurs (?). In Châlons, close to the headq...
Louis Held in "Bibi & Tina" (2013/14)
Louis Held (front in the middle) in "Bibi & Tina - Tohuwabohu total" (2016/17)
Louis Held, Emilio Moutaoukkil (from left to right) in "Bibi & Tina: Voll verhext!" (2014)
Louis Held, Emilio Sakraya (from left to right) in "Bibi & Tina - Tohuwabohu total" (2016/17)
Louis Held, Lisa-Marie Koroll in "Bibi und Tina 3 - Mädchen gegen Jungs" (2015/16)
Benjamin Lutzke, Louis Held, Phil Laude (from left to right) in "Bibi und Tina 3 - Mädchen gegen Jungs" (2015/16)
Thorsten Merten, Katharina Thalbach, Louis Held (left to right) in "Alfons Zitterbacke - Das Chaos ist zurück" (2019)
Ruby O. Fee, Martin Seifert, Louis Held (from left to right) in "Bibi & Tina" (2013/14)