Young Giannis escapes from prison and hides in a deserted factory, with the dream of traveling far away. At the factory, a group of university students rehearse Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dre...
Leon (Lampros Konstantaras) goes on vacation with his daughter (Xenia Kalogeropoulou) hoping to find her a rich husband. He finds out that some rich man (Christos Negas) is expected to arrive at the s...
A poor girl (Christina Sylva) and a rich medical student (Lefteris Vournas) fall in love with each other and have a little girl, who becomes the deciding factor in the couple’s happiness.
It is a film adaptation of the theatrical play by Kostas Thrakiotis. Smaro, a pretty young islander, obstinately refuses to marry the man her father has chosen for her, and he reveals to her that she ...
A poor orphan girl, Sofia, a singer in a night club, gets injured in a car accident, causing her to meet a nice rich young man, Nikos. They fall passionately in love with each other, but both his moth...
Two lazy friends (Mimis Fotopoulos and Ntinos Iliopoulos) find a job as ice-cream vendors to pay their back rent. When they start giving ice-cream to poor children for free, their boss, incensed, chas...
In the plains of Thessaly a rich landowner causes insecurity in the farmers when he buys a threshing machine and drives his production to unimaginable figures. The landowner’s brother (Titos Vandis)...
Aliki, a cheeky and untamed girl (Aliki Vougiouklaki), works at a newspaper and is assigned to interview a scientist who is expected to arrive in Greece. She meets a journalist (Andreas Barkoulis) who...