(Reel 5) The episode, as with all in the series, opens with the figure of 'Justice' portrayed by an actress. British troops march in column through villages near to the front. A bombardment by 60-poun...
The young waitress is the object of unwanted attention first of the son, then of the father of the bourgeois family at which she is in service. Eventually she is thrown out by the mistress of the hous...
Fasi dell'incontro tenutosi al Tennis Club di Milano tra i tennisti danesi Nielsen e Ulrich e Rolando e gli italiani Marcello Del Bello, Cucelli e Gardini. La squadra italiana vince l'incontro. Nel se...
Film restored in collaboration with Cinémathèque Française.
Vincenzo, 8 anni, entra in un orfanotrofio (l’Umberto I di Salerno, a quanto riportano gli incartamenti). In piedi, attende che il direttore finisca di compulsare la sua pratica. Poi viene acc...
On his way to work a builder mails a letter that will arrive in a little mountain village. It includes news and impressions of the big city (Rome) and of the men who go there in search of work. ...
Documentary about everyday life in the historic convent Habsthal. Founded in 1257, it is today home to four Benedictine nuns, one padre and thirty sheep. The filmmakers chronicle the humble, contempla...
Little Momi’s father has left to be a soldier and his letters are eagerly anticipated by his family at home. In one of them he recounts the adventure of little highlander Berto, who saved his mother...
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
2 sequenes had to be removed:1) the text passage number 5 in the 1st act "Ich werde die Kirchen nicht schließen lassen" ("I´m not going to close the churches")2) picture, 8th act, number 12: padre S...