Myzet (actor) holds a bundle in his hand; the second one is Pražský (actor).
Under the gallow stands Jiří (actor: Vladimir Chinkulov Vladimírov), his fiancée Maryša (actress: Suzanne Marwille) embraces him. Some cadavers lay around.
Farmer Tomeš says farewell to his son Jeníček before leaving to the front: "Remember on Blaník, liberation comes!"
Tomeš says goodbye to his son with words: "Don ´t forget for Blaník my son!". Blaník is an sacred mountain in Czech national mythology.
Volunteer Janda (smith) in Italian uniform encounters his family after the end of the war.
Nesvatba (actor) on the left side holds umbrella on his right hand, Kolár (actor) opposite.
Vrchlická (actress) on a dress with a brooch. Nový (actor) holds a skull on his hand.
With his wife Anita Park on the occasion of the exhibition "Hardy Krüger - Filmstar Autor Weltenbummler" at the Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt, April 12, 2005
Olaf Fönss, Alma Hinding
Valdemar Psilander
Still from "Herrn Arnes Schatz"
Mary Johnson, Richard Lund
Mary Johnson, Richard Lund
Mauritz Stiller (on the left) on set
Still from "Ich gab Dich zum Pfande"
Still from "Ich gab Dich zum Pfande"
President Kekkonen returns to Seutula Airport after his visit to Iceland. African royalty at the premiere of the film Freedom at Kinopalatsi Cinema. Chinese delegation arrives at Seutula Airport. 100t...
Mr. Heikkilä, an American of Finnish descent, pays a short visit to Finland against his will (Seutula Airport). Robot weapons tests by the U.S. Navy (foreign material). Saint George’s Day parade in...
Mr. Hägglöf, the new Ambassador of Sweden, presents his credentials. Cygnaeus Gallery at Kaivopuisto in Helsinki. 40 years since the death of Franz Kafka: old Prague (foreign material). Csepel Islan...
The Israeli ambassador presents his credentials to the President of the Republic. The Great Finnish Fair (Suomen Suurmessut) opening on Töölö ball field. Posters from the Finlandia poster competiti...
The Israeli ambassador presents his credentials to the President of the Republic. The Great Finnish Fair (Suomen Suurmessut) opening on Töölö ball field. Posters from the Finlandia poster competiti...
President Kekkonen travels to Britain with his wife on 8–13 May 1961; leaving from Seutula Airport. Arrival at Victoria Station. Visit to Finland House. Boat trip on the Thames. Visit to the Tower. ...
The Danish ambassador presents his credentials to the President of the Republic. Giant earth-mover in Mikhailovsky (foreign material). Ice-breaker Lena at the Arctic Ocean (foreign material). Miniatur...
UN Secretary-General U Thant in Finland: welcoming ceremony at Helsinki Seutula Airport. Visiting Prime Minister Karjalainen. Visiting the Parliament Building. In Tapiola, Espoo. Distinguished paediat...