Myzet (actor) holds a bundle in his hand; the second one is Pražský (actor).
Under the gallow stands Jiří (actor: Vladimir Chinkulov Vladimírov), his fiancée Maryša (actress: Suzanne Marwille) embraces him. Some cadavers lay around.
Farmer Tomeš says farewell to his son Jeníček before leaving to the front: "Remember on Blaník, liberation comes!"
Tomeš says goodbye to his son with words: "Don ´t forget for Blaník my son!". Blaník is an sacred mountain in Czech national mythology.
Volunteer Janda (smith) in Italian uniform encounters his family after the end of the war.
Nesvatba (actor) on the left side holds umbrella on his right hand, Kolár (actor) opposite.
Vrchlická (actress) on a dress with a brooch. Nový (actor) holds a skull on his hand.
Volker Schlöndorff in front of the show case with his "Blechtrommel" at the DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt on March 28, 2013
Still from "Sperduti nel buio"
Still with Karen Sandberg (first from the right)
Still with Karen Sandberg (in the middle, bottom)
Frederik Buch, Karen Sandberg
Rita Sacchetto, Olaf Fönss
Nicolai Johannsen, Rita Sacchetto
Still with Olaf Fönss
Gudrun Bruun, Olaf Fönss
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