Elsa is a beautiful and prudent young woman, the daughter of a well-known building contractor named Karanikas. She is in love with Dimitris, a poor artist who resists the pressure from her father, who...
A model (Elena Nathanail) is on vacation with her sailor husband (Thodoros Roumpanis), and she falls in love with an employee (Spyros Fokas) who works in the hotel where they are staying. She confesse...
Three petit bourgeois couples are camping out on a lonely beach. Things among them are complicated and tense. Soon, a beautiful young tourist comes along, camps close by and swims naked, unsettling th...
A married woman (Anna Fonsou) tries to fill the void she experiences regarding her erotic desires by impersonating a prostitute. A client of hers (Christos Nomikos) asks her persistently to abandon pr...
Stella (Mema Stathopoulou) leaves the provinces and her rich father (Tzavalas Karousos) and follows a man (Thanos Leivaditis) to Athens, believing that she will find happiness beside him. Soon, howeve...
An Olympic Airlines pilot (Nikos Galanos) falls in love with a girl (Irina Maleva) who works at a cabaret. He also meets an air hostess (Eleni Erimou) for whom he feels sexual attraction, and the feel...
The owner of a ship (Martha Vourtsi) falls in love with the captain of the ship (Lakis Komninos), but the war changes their plans to get married. The captain disappears, and the woman’s accountant (...
A poor but sensible young man, Stefanos, whose mother is the janitor in the apartment building where they live, studies law by day and sings in a nightclub at night. When Christina, the lovely daughte...