Incomplet. A huge crowd attends a bullfight in a Doze Ribeiras parish square, located in the Angra do Heroísmo municipality in the Terceira Island, Azores. Some people defy the bull.
The film depicts the 3-day excursion of a group of workers of the newspaper “Diário de Notícias” to the aforesaid sites.
Images of several sports practised in Figueira da Foz: tennis, skating, barrels race, string game, auto and horse riding. Boa Viagem Mountain, “Vela” and the Cedar Woods.
Incomplet. Upon today’s knowledge, only the image subsists. Images of São Pedro de Muel, Leiria’s Pine Forest, the rocky coastline and the steep slopes of the region.
Touristic sites of Figueira da Foz: streets, Casino, Hotel, City Hall, monuments, Palace Alorna and references to nearby towns.
Description of the extension work on the routes undertaken by the Companhia dos Caminhos de Ferro do Norte de Portugal (“Rail Company of the North of Portugal”).
Newsreel on the regatta of Figueira da Foz played by clubs from England (London Rouring Club), Germany (Ruderklub am Wannsee), Portugal (Assoc. Naval 1º de Maio), Netherlands (Studenten Roeivereenigi...
Film frame.
Film frame.
Film frame.
A page of Ernesto de Albuquerque's photo album.
Portrait of the film director.
film frame
News report on the constitution of production company Triumpho Films, detailing its facilities, management board and goals.
Commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of the periodical.
Notes on the difficulty experienced by the production company in registering images of the roaylist uprising in the North
Directory of films commissioned by the Tourism Office to Pathé aiming the diffusion of Portugal’s regions
News on the ordering of the films on the Portuguese regions to be exhibited in Lisbon.
Notes on the non-fiction and newsreels films and on its audience reception.
A praise to the film ‘A Cidade de Thomar’ upon its reprise. Commentary on the film’s reception.
Notes on a Gaumont’s delegation visit to Portugal to film monuments, landscapes and typical places