Wandering around Athens by night. A grandiose parade of singers, composers, orchestras, shows and, in general, artists of night playing themselves, in a series of entertaining acts written by major hu...
The introduction of this film is set during the time of the Junta (1967-1974) when the main character (Lefteris Dimakopoulos) used to work at the fish-market in Mesolonggi in order to be able to finis...
Spyros (Dimitris Papamichail), the owner of a stock brokerage, is bilked by a woman, but instead of turning her in, he falls in love with her and gets to know her social milieu, a group of crooks. One...
Shortly before the end of the Civil War, in 1948, the villages along the border are evacuated to facilitate the National Army’s movements as well as to hamper those of the rebels. A forty-year-old v...
A beggar becomes the link –and the narrator – of four autonomous everyday stories. The “honest “man that they are looking for is any candidate bridegroom for any poor and innocent young woman ...
At the end of the 19th century, Turkish-occupied Macedonia and its Greek population suffer two times more since the Bulgarian commintern members are active in the area in parallel with the Turkish for...