„IV. Károly király és Zita királyné Őfelségeik megkoronázása Budapesten 1916. évi deczember 30-án” A királyi pár négy napot töltött a koronázás alkalmából Budapesten. A felvét...
"Reportage on what life is in the trenches on the Western Front. It questions the aim to be achieved in spite of the bloodshed and continuation of dying soldiers in the Belgian killing fields. This re...
The canals running through the town are undamaged but the main girder bridge has been brought down. British soldiers of II Corps wait in the main square.Civilians watch while the British, of 40th Divi...
(Reel 1) An auction of British Army horses to civilians. A troop train arrives in Ludd (ie Lod), British soldiers climb out, form up and march away, 5 May. An Indian battalion on the march through the...
The celebrations involve an Italian contingent parade and marchpast, chiefly of the field guns, watched by the contingent's commander, General di Robillant. A posed group of General Peppino Garibaldi,...
The camera is fixed at a high position looking down onto Ludgate Circus as the various elements of the procession file through. Leading are Royal Marines and sailors, some of whom took part in the Zee...
A propagandafilm a ”határrendőrök” pozsonyi és mosonmagyaróvári, őszi (1) élelmiszercsempész-razziáit dokumentálja. (2) Az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia nem számított hosszú háborúra. ...
1915. május 30-án, vasárnap, a Szent Jobb megtalálásának emléknapján először (1) érkezett Pestre az ereklye. (2) A processziót a Katholikus Népszövetség (3) rendezte, a több száz tag�...
31103 - Thann - Rue des Boeufs - Saint-Thiébaut Church (Thann, Haut-Rhin) Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
Austrian soldiers and a group of children and civilians.
Recruitment commission. In the foreground stands Jiří Voldán (actor: Vladimír Ch. Vladimírov).
A crowd of civilians on Wenceslas Square in Prague during mobilization.
A crowd of civilians on Wenceslas Square in Prague during mobilization.