I. A posed group of crews and mechanics of 94th 'Hat in the Ring' Pursuit Squadron at 1st Pursuit Group airfield, Rembercourt, 18th October. Left to right 1st Lieutenant Edward V Rickenbacker, Major K...
(Reel 1) Text of Admiral Beatty's message to the Empire. Beatty's flag (Vice-Admiral's) is broken out, and the Grand Fleet puts to sea: US battleships of 6th Battle Squadron in line astern; medium sho...
I. Aerial medium shot of HMS Satyr (F.59) underway. Two surrendered U-boats pass beneath camera-airship, followed by Scott Class Leader, UC.III and U.160 Class (?) submarines. Medium shot, HMS Melampu...
(Reel 1) The film stresses that it shows normal RAF life and has not deliberately selected its scenes. It begins with a training camp for pilots in France. New pilots arrive and are brought from the s...
The squadron's tour takes in the principal ports of the Empire. At each port the ships of the squadron are thrown open to the locals. Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick L Field has his flag on board HMS Hood....
A propagandafilm a ”határrendőrök” pozsonyi és mosonmagyaróvári, őszi (1) élelmiszercsempész-razziáit dokumentálja. (2) Az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia nem számított hosszú háborúra. ...
Documentary about Albert I, King of Belgium.
(Reel 1) Men board troopships, including SS Leviathan, in New York harbour. On the crossing there are sports, a dance, and jive by black troops. A submarine attack is repelled by destroyers. The men d...
Czechoslovak volunteers on a small station in Siberia.
Czechoslovak volunteers on a small station in Siberia.
Czechoslovak volunteer on the hay wagon at the train station in Siberia.
A train with cattle arrives at the slaughterhouse in Prague.
Unloading of pigs from train at slaughterhouse in Prague.
Inhabitans of Prague on the way to reclaim food.
Food reclaim with the use of food stamps.
Controlled distribution of food.
Kurbelmann im Kriegsdienst, Der Kinematograph, 436, (1915), S. 21-24. Aus der Wiener Arbeiter-Zeitung zitierter Bericht über die Erlebnisse eines Kriegsfilmers.
Häfker, Hermann. "Sind die 'kleinen' Kinotheater der Reform schädlich?" Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 3/4 (1913/1914): 58-60. Häfker geht davon aus, dass die ...
Nordisk Films GmbH, Jede Woche neue Kriegs-Aufnahmen, Der Kinematograph 406, (1914), S. 3. "Jede Woche abwechselnd neue Kriegsaufnahmen vom Westen und Osten (eigene Expeditionen)".
E. Osten, Kinematographie des Krieges, Erste Internationale Filmzeitung, 9.Jg., Nr.21, (1915), S. 16-18. Bericht über den Einsatz aus dem Flugzeug aufgenommener Filme zur Aufklärung feindlicher Stel...
Eiko Film. „"Eiko-Woche“ ist die beste Kriegsberichterstattung" Der Kinematograph 404 (1914): 1.
Rundschau, Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, IV,1, (1914/1915), S. 34-41. Berichte über Firmen, die mit Pathé Frères in Verbindung stünden und deshalb boykottiert we...