On board of a German battleship.
A report about the celebrations for the thirtieth wedding anniversary of the Van den Bergh family.
Short reportage about seaplanes, stationed on an aircraft carrier. On the ship the seaplanes are repaired and getting ready. The seaplane is being lifted on board and takes off. Subsequently aerial sh...
Short comedy about two neighbour children from different social environments, Fritz en Mädi, during the First World War. They are bragging about their fathers who are returning from the war, and play...
Reportage about a group of soldiers on expedition in a snowy mountain landscape.
Short film in which Barbara's father is killed during a raid of the Vandals. When Barbara and the other women are threatened, she throws a box with explosives to the attackers, which causes their deat...
Comedy in which two friends, who are both lieutenants, try to find favour with Fifi, who owns a fashion boutique in a garrison town. The two friends, who are both married to a daughter of the general,...
Reportage about Austrian war ships and submarines. Images of life on board of the ship 'Tegetthof', navigation (with log and sextant), signals with flags, a torpedo boat flottilla at full speed and t...
Alice Verden
Still from "Christa Hartungen"
Gustav Fröhlich, Lars Hanson (from left to right)
Ossi Oswalda, Julius Dewald
Screenshot from "Die Lokomobil-Fabrik R. Wolf Magdeburg-Buckau"
Szene aus "Der rote Baron"
Alice Verden, Erich Ponto
Still from "Reingefallen"
R. Genenncher, Die Internationalität des Films, Der Kinematograph, 630, (1919), S. 7-8. Entgegnung auf die Forderung nach nationaler Kunst. Es sei unsinnig, die in der Kaiserzeit vorherrschenden mona...
O. Verf.. "Kino und Schule." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,6 (1913/1914): 150. Der Kinoausschuss für Berliner Schulen habe seine Arbeit aufgenommen und veranstal...
L.B, Gegen die Polizei-Zensur !, Der Kinematograph, 679/80, (1920), S. 51-53. Bericht über eine Protestveranstaltung der Deutschen Filmgewerkschaft in Berlin. Es sei noch nie so viel zensiert worden ...
R. Genenncher, Die Amerikaner, Der Kinematograph, 658, (1919), S. 19-20. Die amerikanische Filmindustrie sei vergleichsweise konservativ und bringe noch immer ähnliche Filme hervor, wie vor zehn Jahr...