A young man who has left school joins a group of hooligans who are fans of Olympiakos soccer team, and soon his entire life revolves round that group. In a violent clash with the fans of AEK, the youn...
In Turkish-occupied Cyprus, three men escape from a concentration camp for the “missing” with the help of a girl. After many adventures and pursuits, one of them (played by Thodoros Katsadramis) m...
An Italian of Greek origin, ex-sergeant Nicola Mantsolini, talks about the Occupation on a TV show. He was then the provost marshal in the village of Pano Rachi, and the love for his mother’s countr...
In order to avert the objections of an honest employee Diamantis (Ntinos Iliopoulos) regarding his book-keeping irregularities, Aristos (Nikos Stavridis) recruits a charming woman. However, the woman-...
During a shipwreck, Maria Merfati loses her only daughter, Liza, but refuses to believe that the little girl is really dead. For six long years, she never stops looking for her. Indeed, Liza had been ...
Kostas returns to his homeland after many years abroad and searches for his three children who were lost during the Occupation after his wife’s death. In the meantime, Manolis, a poor young man in l...
Newlywed Petros Alexiou loses his wife in a shipwreck. For three years, he searches for the man who caused her drowning by stealing her life-vest. The father and a friend of his try talk him out of th...
Dimos (Kostas Mesaris) is a very good actor who has a passion for success and money. However, after a number of flops, he ends up drinking and gambling, ruining his life and career. He meets a young w...