A young drug addict (Panos Michalopoulos) tells his story on a television program, recounting the death of his friend (Stamatis Gardelis) and the personal drama of young kids who are drawn into a life...
Lalakis, a broke man who is obsessed with expensive foreign clothes, manages to satisfy his sartorial desires through some interesting schemes. When he is fired and has no money at all, he meets Livia...
A poor and playful youth, Stathis, runs a pirate radio station from which he broadcasts hot messages to his beloved Liza, who works at a supermarket. One day, there is a police raid, and his transmit...
A group of young people live on the edge, riding motorbikes and partying wildly. Giorgos falls in love with a serious girl, who attempts to talk sense into him. Her brother doesn’t approve of their ...
Kosmas (Kostas Voutsas) is always bossing around his submissive wife Loula (Kaiti Papanika). But when they host a newlywed couple (Nikos Dadinopoulos and Teti Schoinaki), they discover a different way...
A lady-killer by the nickname Gomenios (Lover guy) (Sotiris Moustakas) marries, but because, even after their honeymoon, his wife is still a virgin, he starts doubting himself. He decides to get help ...
A young man (Panos Michalopoulos) arrives in Athens from the provinces ready to enjoy his independence. He falls in love with a girl (Sofia Alimperti) and becomes involved with the wrong crowd. In ord...
Mitsos, in an effort to keep the matchmaking agency he inherited from his mother, disguises himself and performs all kinds of tricks in order to keep his clients happy. One day, he also gets his chanc...