This is a parody of the film Conan the Barbarian. In this film, a primitive man, Lordan, saves Barbara (the younger daughter of the Big Chief) from a black panther and leads her to his cave. The young...
Manolios and his band go on tour in Germany. A rich girl hides in their car to get away from the marriage her father has arranged for her. The tour is a success, and Manolios falls in love with the g...
1. THESSALONIKI AERIAL SHOTS Thessaloniki 1965. Montage of impressive aerial shots of Thessaloniki and older archive aerial photographs. The sequence concludes with the opening ceremony for the Thessa...
Vana’s (Marlen Papoulia) unsuccessful attempt to convince her family to accept Angelos (Kostas Kakkavas), the man she loves, disappoints him, and he journeys abroad. However, the rich family’s aff...
This is a Greek-Italian co-production, most likely a sentimental melodrama based on a theatrical play of Carlo Goldoni.
Kokovios (Petros Giannakos) is a naive but well-intentioned little man, who, despite the fact that he tries to help the people around him, he is always getting in hot water.
A detective (Stathis Psaltis) takes on an assignment to investigate the sanity of his beloved’s guardian.
A girl doesn’t know if she is the foster- or natural daughter of captain Andreas. She becomes engaged to captain Alexis, despite the reactions of the latter’s mother. Her fiancé, after an acciden...
Programme for the IRIS-COSMOPOLITAN Cinemas Flyer with the programme for the IRIS-COSMOPOLITAN Cinemas about the Greek film "PAIN AND TEARS". There is a photo of the three leading actors: Nikos Xanth...
The program presents a brief reference to the critique and the work of the director Borovzik. Borovzik, who has been characterized as the Beckett of Cinema, has lived a tragic life in his homeland. ...
In the programme for the screening of the film "Dafnis and Chloe" we first find information from the credits. Then it gives excerpts from “The History of Greek Cinema” by Aglaia Mitropoulou, in wh...
Programme for the IRIS Cinema Οn the front page: 1. JOURNAL Newsreel, 2. Walt Disney's animated cartoon series "SILLY SYMPHONY", 3. "HIS OFFICIAL WIFE", "SPRING LOVE", "VERA IVANOVNA", "NAVAL PARAD...
The note refers initially to Flaherty’s predecessors, who are none other than the English filmmakers with a long tradition in travel documentaries, and then it mentions the following unique incident...
The program begins with a few words about the life, work and distinctions of the film maker before 1977. It continues by characterizing this short film as “a reminiscence on Aivali and its Hellenis...
The programme celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Society of Greek Playwrights announces the participation of the Film Archives in the celebration and underscores the relations between cinema and...
Programme for the IRIS Cinema, which includes the comment "The cinema for a high-class audience" and the cinema address, Ippokratous & Akadimias Street. On the front page: 1. Newsreel, 2. "NOSTALGIE"...
Still about Frida Liappas' film: "A Quiet Death" which includes a summary of the film, the cast and factors of production. With photographs.
Sheet-shaped newspaper, featuring various topics concerning the world of the Cinema.
Monthly Cinematic Magazine
Cinematography and art magazine.