A director, going through an existential and creative crisis, tries to conceive and write a screenplay for his new film. He makes up a story where the protagonist is a successful man in an existential...
Geralis (Nikos Kourkoulos), a conscientious neurosurgeon who is dedicated to his science and his child, is called upon to perform brain surgery on a patient with a brain tumor. The operation is a succ...
The film adaptation for the modern era of the ancient tragedy The Bacchae. Pentheus is celebrating his birthday, and surreal scenes unfold before his eyes, arousing doubts in the celebrant as to wheth...
The film is set around the time of the Battle of Crete and the Cretan resistance against the German occupation during World War II. The plot revolves around the kidnapping of Tasoula Vardinogianni by...
The two owners of stores featuring modern clothes, hard-working, strict and conservative Pantelis (Nikos Stavridis) and cheerful and optimistic bon vivant Fotis (Ntinos Iliopoulos) may have completely...
Pavlos and Kostas are partners in an advertising agency. Pavlos never misses an opportunity to flirt with aspiring stars, such as Daisy, but when his wife Toula finds out, her reaction is swift and cl...
Neofytos (Lampros Konstantaras), Savvas (Dimitris Nikolaidis) and Lampis (Orfeas Zachos) are three middle-aged bachelors who forbid their nephew Ntinos (Pavlos Liaros) from marrying his beloved Kaiti ...
Two cousins inherit a house, which presents them with a problem, because they have different ideas about what to do with it. Achilleas (Vaggelis Seilinos) wants to turn it into a nightclub where he co...
Programme for the IRIS Cinema. Οn the front page: 1. FOX MOVIETONE Newsreel, 2. "NANA", based on the eponymous book by Emil Zola, starring Anna Sten. The film is rated "Unsuitable for the underage"...
The ELLINIS Cinema program. On the front cover: “Today, ‘THE VALLEY OF DISASTER’, followed by the film synopsis.
The programme for the Tribute to Polish Cinema, initially gives information from the credits from the film "Hunting flies" and later mentions: the importance and revolutionary character of Α. Wadja i...
Summary of the screenplay. It characterizes the film as political, which concentrates on “everyday fascism” and emphasizes the director’s passage from comedy to drama.
Credits It says in the programme that Bergman and Mozart's music crossed paths at THE MAGIC FLUTE. Bergman's production breathed life back into the genre of lyric theatre in a way that was "impressiv...
The programme announces the screening of the films "What is Democracy" and " The City Stands Trial".
The note begins with a comparison between the American and Italian cinema, claiming that the former is mainly characterized by movement, while the latter's distinguishing features are the wealth of th...
The programme for March 1992, after the introduction, gives the film schedule.
Still about Frida Liappas' film: "A Quiet Death" which includes a summary of the film, the cast and factors of production. With photographs.
Sheet-shaped newspaper, featuring various topics concerning the world of the Cinema.
Monthly Cinematic Magazine
Cinematography and art magazine.