During a trip to the island of Aegina, Lampros (Lampros Konstantaras), who is returning to his wife after a 15-year separation, meets Gianna (Jenny Karezi), who is visiting her mother Elena, and Iason...
A NATO airplane accidentally drops a hydrogen bomb near a Greek island. Agents arrive on the island to retrieve the dangerous weapon. At the same time, Greek agents pretending to be businessmen are al...
Stella (Melina Merkouri), a singer at the Paradise nightclub is living a guiltless, turbulent, passionate and vigorous life. When she meets Miltos (Giorgos Fountas), a famous soccer player, she leaves...
A man belonging politically to the Left (Nikos Kalogeropoulos) comes to the verge of killing himself after a severe crisis. He tries to write a book about things that used to be and are no more. Every...
Loukas, who is a crook, lives under the same roof with Liana (Irene Papas) and her mother Elli (Smaroula Giouli). Loukas works at a taverna. One day, a drug dealer suggests that they work together so ...
The introduction of this film is set during the time of the Junta (1967-1974) when the main character (Lefteris Dimakopoulos) used to work at the fish-market in Mesolonggi in order to be able to finis...
A girl from a good, well-to-do island family, Anna, is studying in the Medical School in Athens. She is in love with a poor fisherman, Dimitris, whom her father doesn’t want as his son-in-law. The y...
Nikos (Angelos Mavropoulos) tries to raise his adopted daughter Mairoula (Mirka Kalatzopoulou) on his own after losing his wife. When Mairoula grows up, Nikos marries Aliki (Efi Oikonomou), who behave...
Programme for the IRIS Cinema. Οn the front page: 1. FOX MOVIETONE Newsreel, 2. "NANA", based on the eponymous book by Emil Zola, starring Anna Sten. The film is rated "Unsuitable for the underage"...
The ELLINIS Cinema program. On the front cover: “Today, ‘THE VALLEY OF DISASTER’, followed by the film synopsis.
The programme for the Tribute to Polish Cinema, initially gives information from the credits from the film "Hunting flies" and later mentions: the importance and revolutionary character of Α. Wadja i...
Summary of the screenplay. It characterizes the film as political, which concentrates on “everyday fascism” and emphasizes the director’s passage from comedy to drama.
Credits It says in the programme that Bergman and Mozart's music crossed paths at THE MAGIC FLUTE. Bergman's production breathed life back into the genre of lyric theatre in a way that was "impressiv...
The programme announces the screening of the films "What is Democracy" and " The City Stands Trial".
The note begins with a comparison between the American and Italian cinema, claiming that the former is mainly characterized by movement, while the latter's distinguishing features are the wealth of th...
The programme for March 1992, after the introduction, gives the film schedule.
Still about Frida Liappas' film: "A Quiet Death" which includes a summary of the film, the cast and factors of production. With photographs.
Sheet-shaped newspaper, featuring various topics concerning the world of the Cinema.
Monthly Cinematic Magazine
Cinematography and art magazine.