Altri titoli: Steel Men
Genere: Documentary film
Anno: 1946
Durata: 00:12:00
Descrizione: An observation and a celebration of a rise of a steel factory (ČKD Libeň) from the war ruins. The film includes highly aesthetically approached scenes of ruin depiction. It narrates a story of a collaborative effort, which is strongly supported by local politicians (faces of politicians merge with faces of workers). The documentary concludes by a celebratory song sung by a male choir.
Parole chiave: staveniště / přestavba / práce / politik / mluvený projev / moderní architektura / ruiny / továrna / (construction) site / redevelopment / work / politician / speech / modern architecture / ruins / factory / Antonín Zápotocký / Praha / Prague / VICTOR-E project
Fonte esterna: Národní filmový archiv
Diritti: In Copyright / NFA/Dillia
Casa di produzione: Československá filmová kronika
Colori: Black & White
Director: Jiří Krejčík
Sound: With sound
Tipo documento:
Language: cs