Five women, Anna-Maria Karamani, a teacher of Greek; Eva Manola, an ex-singer of the light repertoire; Ritsa Melissinou, a bank clerk; Lia Hatzi, a hairdresser; and Elektra Petridi, a dentist, are mar...
The furrier's shop of the Karakul Company is located at 2 Františkánská Street, the town of Plzeň. We can watch a fashion show and two models (a man and a woman) showing the newest male and femal...
Il documentario inizia con la ricostruzione, in chiave comica, della storia dell'automobile. Dai primi prototipi di vettura di fine Ottocento si è fatta molta strada e oggi l'automobile è un oggetto...
Una panoramica sulle vetture prodotte dalla Fiat negli anni Cinquanta esposte durante il Salone dell'Auto di Torino. Il film mira a dimostrare le capacità performative delle auto mostrandole in diver...
The film consists of unedited, unrelated scenes of Mark I and Mark IV tanks, at the Tank Corps training school at Bovington, on the Western Front, and in Palestine. It opens with unarmed Mark IV tanks...
A German 150mm gun is towed into a wood east of Ribecourt on the Marcoing road by a Mark IV female tank HMLS 'Intimidate' (of 'I' Company, Tank Corps ?) and met by men of the Royal Artillery and (prob...
Firstly, a column of Infantry marching through a town showing shell damage - the light values have been set wrongly and the film is far too dark. This is followed by British, or possibly Canadian, sol...