Two friends and blunderers (Fragkiskos Manellis and Giannis Malouchos) make up various scams hoping to make a little money. Despite their inclination toward crime, deep inside they are good-natured an...
The heroine of the film is Lena, an innocent seventeen-year-old girl who has just left school and dreams of becoming an actress, in spite of her mother, who wants to see her married to Takis, a poor y...
The film is based on the story of Romeo and Juliet. Two young people, Dimitris and Myrto, whose families are mortal enemies, fall in love. Myrto’s father had caused the financial ruin of Dimitris’...
An Olympic Airlines pilot (Nikos Galanos) falls in love with a girl (Irina Maleva) who works at a cabaret. He also meets an air hostess (Eleni Erimou) for whom he feels sexual attraction, and the feel...
A serious girl (Xenia Kalogeropoulou) falls in love with a rich man (Giorgos Pantzas) who ignores her completely as he prefers less serious women. Her uncle (Nikos Stavridis) encourages her to change,...
A girl from the countryside (Ntina Trianti) is impressed by the temptations of the city. Together with another girl (Niki Filopoulou) they get a job at the office of a man (Giannis Argyris) with a sus...
Nikos (Petros Fyssoun), an honest and hard-working man who works at the furniture workshop of master-Petros (Lavrentis Dianellos), is madly in love with Eleni (Marianna Kourakou), the beautiful daught...
A sailor (Pantelis Zervos), whose life has been destroyed in every way, is drunk all the time. By chance, he discovers the current owner (Christos Negkas) of the villa that used to belong to him. He a...