1 - didascalia in caratteri gotici: "Waehrend die oesterrechischish-ungarischen Armeen nach Russisch-Polen vordrangen, wandten sich die Russen mit voller Wucht gegen Ostgalizien" [mentre le truppe aus...
1 - manifestanti ascoltano discorsi dei politici
2 - le autorità depongono una corona d'alloro all'altare della Patria
3 - discorso della medaglia d'oro di Trieste
4 - nel battistero d...
1 - gli allievi dell'accademia sfilano davanti a loro comandante
2 - i soldati schierati nel cortile della scuola fanno il saluto militare
3 - navi a vela attraccate davanti all'accademia mi...
Il documentario illustra le attività degli artisti che frequentano Albissola, l'esposizione delle loro ceramiche a Villa Gavotti. Presenta, infine, le bellezze del paesaggio e della costa ligure into...
An admirer of women (Andreas Barkoulis) falls from the balcony and dies while trying to see a woman sunbathing in the nude. In the moments before his death, all his erotic memories pass before his eye...
Two Cypriots, Evagoras and Onisimos (Georges Corraface and Dimitris Velios) are the owners of a nightclub and are being blackmailed by their former boss (Seymour Cassel). The latter is asking for a cu...
Five women, Anna-Maria Karamani, a teacher of Greek; Eva Manola, an ex-singer of the light repertoire; Ritsa Melissinou, a bank clerk; Lia Hatzi, a hairdresser; and Elektra Petridi, a dentist, are mar...
In 1922, an American photographer returns to his homeland by ship from Smyrni. On the same ship are 700 Greek women who are going to America in order to get married. The photographer falls in love wit...
Marina Abramovic in "Why Are We (Not) Creative?" (2021)
German movie poster of "Stumme Zeugin" (1993-95)
Marina Abramović (right) in "Body of Truth" (2019)
Sabine Marina in "Kleine graue Wolke" (2013/14)
Marina Kem (in the middle) in "Bonne Nuit Papa" (2012-14)
Marina Bellati in "Adiós Buenos Aires" (2023)